'ubuntu'에 해당되는 글 4건

  1. 2019.11.13 Virutal box에서 Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS 를 구동시, apt update 되지 않음
  2. 2019.08.05 Remote Desktop in Ubuntu 18.04
  3. 2012.04.17 Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 일정
  4. 2009.10.05 Ubuntu kernel compile
2019. 11. 13. 21:05

Virutal box에서 Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS 를 구동시, apt update 되지 않음

한 2년 만에 Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS 를 구동하였다.

오래되어서, apt update 를 수행하였으나, 아래와 같이 오류가 발생한다....헐.

Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-139-generic x86_64)

 * Documentation:  https://help.ubuntu.com
 * Management:     https://landscape.canonical.com
 * Support:        https://ubuntu.com/advantage

54 packages can be updated.
43 updates are security updates.

# apt update
Err:1 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-security InRelease
  Temporary failure resolving 'security.ubuntu.com'
Err:2 http://kr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial InRelease
  Temporary failure resolving 'kr.archive.ubuntu.com'
Err:3 http://kr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates InRelease
  Temporary failure resolving 'kr.archive.ubuntu.com'
Err:4 http://kr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-backports InRelease
  Temporary failure resolving 'kr.archive.ubuntu.com'
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
37 packages can be upgraded. Run 'apt list --upgradable' to see them.
W: Failed to fetch http://kr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial/InRelease  Temporary failure resolving 'kr.archive.ubuntu.com'
W: Failed to fetch http://kr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial-updates/InRelease  Temporary failure resolving 'kr.archive.ubuntu.com'
W: Failed to fetch http://kr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial-backports/InRelease  Temporary failure resolving 'kr.archive.ubuntu.com'
W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial-security/InRelease  Temporary failure resolving 'security.ubuntu.com'
W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.
root@u64-16-bj:~# apt list --upgradable
Listing... Done
ghostscript/xenial-updates,xenial-security 9.26~dfsg+0-0ubuntu0.16.04.3 amd64 [upgradable from: 9.25~dfsg+1-0ubuntu0.16.04.3]
libcups2/xenial-updates,xenial-security 2.1.3-4ubuntu0.6 amd64 [upgradable from: 2.1.3-4ubuntu0.5]
libcupsimage2/xenial-updates,xenial-security 2.1.3-4ubuntu0.6 amd64 [upgradable from: 2.1.3-4ubuntu0.5]
libgs9/xenial-updates,xenial-security 9.26~dfsg+0-0ubuntu0.16.04.3 amd64 [upgradable from: 9.25~dfsg+1-0ubuntu0.16.04.3]
libgs9-common/xenial-updates,xenial-updates,xenial-security,xenial-security 9.26~dfsg+0-0ubuntu0.16.04.3 all [upgradable from: 9.25~dfsg+1-0ubuntu0.16.04.3]
libpam-systemd/xenial-updates,xenial-security 229-4ubuntu21.10 amd64 [upgradable from: 229-4ubuntu21.9]
libpoppler58/xenial-security 0.41.0-0ubuntu1.10 amd64 [upgradable from: 0.41.0-0ubuntu1.8]
libsmbclient/xenial-updates,xenial-security 2:4.3.11+dfsg-0ubuntu0.16.04.18 amd64 [upgradable from: 2:4.3.11+dfsg-0ubuntu0.16.04.17]
libssl1.0.0/xenial-updates,xenial-security 1.0.2g-1ubuntu4.14 amd64 [upgradable from: 1.0.2g-1ubuntu4.13]
libsystemd0/xenial-updates,xenial-security 229-4ubuntu21.10 amd64 [upgradable from: 229-4ubuntu21.9]
libudev1/xenial-updates,xenial-security 229-4ubuntu21.10 amd64 [upgradable from: 229-4ubuntu21.9]
  bwbclient0/xenial-updates,xenial-security 2:4.3.11+dfsg-0ubuntu0.16.04.18 amd64 [upgradable from: 2:4.3.11+dfsg-0ubuntu0.16.04.17]
linux-generic/xenial-updates amd64 [upgradable from:]
linux-headers-generic/xenial-updates amd64 [upgradable from:]
linux-image-generic/xenial-updates amd64 [upgradable from:]
linux-libc-dev/xenial-updates 4.4.0-140.166 amd64 [upgradable from: 4.4.0-139.165]
openjdk-8-jdk/xenial-updates,xenial-security 8u191-b12-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 amd64 [upgradable from: 8u181-b13-1ubuntu0.16.04.1]
openjdk-8-jdk-headless/xenial-updates,xenial-security 8u191-b12-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 amd64 [upgradable from: 8u181-b13-1ubuntu0.16.04.1]
openjdk-8-jre/xenial-updates,xenial-security 8u191-b12-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 amd64 [upgradable from: 8u181-b13-1ubuntu0.16.04.1]
openjdk-8-jre-headless/xenial-updates,xenial-security 8u191-b12-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 amd64 [upgradable from: 8u181-b13-1ubuntu0.16.04.1]
openssl/xenial-updates,xenial-security 1.0.2g-1ubuntu4.14 amd64 [upgradable from: 1.0.2g-1ubuntu4.13]
python-samba/xenial-updates,xenial-security 2:4.3.11+dfsg-0ubuntu0.16.04.18 amd64 [upgradable from: 2:4.3.11+dfsg-0ubuntu0.16.04.17]
python3-distupgrade/xenial-updates,xenial-updates 1:16.04.26 all [upgradable from: 1:16.04.25]
qemu-user-static/xenial-updates,xenial-security 1:2.5+dfsg-5ubuntu10.33 amd64 [upgradable from: 1:2.5+dfsg-5ubuntu10.32]
samba/xenial-updates,xenial-security 2:4.3.11+dfsg-0ubuntu0.16.04.18 amd64 [upgradable from: 2:4.3.11+dfsg-0ubuntu0.16.04.17]
samba-common/xenial-updates,xenial-updates,xenial-security,xenial-security 2:4.3.11+dfsg-0ubuntu0.16.04.18 all [upgradable from: 2:4.3.11+dfsg-0ubuntu0.16.04.17]
samba-common-bin/xenial-updates,xenial-security 2:4.3.11+dfsg-0ubuntu0.16.04.18 amd64 [upgradable from: 2:4.3.11+dfsg-0ubuntu0.16.04.17]
samba-dsdb-modules/xenial-updates,xenial-security 2:4.3.11+dfsg-0ubuntu0.16.04.18 amd64 [upgradable from: 2:4.3.11+dfsg-0ubuntu0.16.04.17]
samba-libs/xenial-updates,xenial-security 2:4.3.11+dfsg-0ubuntu0.16.04.18 amd64 [upgradable from: 2:4.3.11+dfsg-0ubuntu0.16.04.17]
samba-vfs-modules/xenial-updates,xenial-security 2:4.3.11+dfsg-0ubuntu0.16.04.18 amd64 [upgradable from: 2:4.3.11+dfsg-0ubuntu0.16.04.17]
smbclient/xenial-updates,xenial-security 2:4.3.11+dfsg-0ubuntu0.16.04.18 amd64 [upgradable from: 2:4.3.11+dfsg-0ubuntu0.16.04.17]
sosreport/xenial-updates 3.6-1ubuntu0.16.04.2 amd64 [upgradable from: 3.5-1~ubuntu16.04.3]
systemd/xenial-updates,xenial-security 229-4ubuntu21.10 amd64 [upgradable from: 229-4ubuntu21.9]
systemd-sysv/xenial-updates,xenial-security 229-4ubuntu21.10 amd64 [upgradable from: 229-4ubuntu21.9]
ubuntu-release-upgrader-core/xenial-updates,xenial-updates 1:16.04.26 all [upgradable from: 1:16.04.25]
udev/xenial-updates,xenial-security 229-4ubuntu21.10 amd64 [upgradable from: 229-4ubuntu21.9]
winbind/xenial-updates,xenial-security 2:4.3.11+dfsg-0ubuntu0.16.04.18 amd64 [upgradable from: 2:4.3.11+dfsg-ubuntu0.16.04.17]
# apt update           
Err:1 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-security InRelease
  Temporary failure resolving 'security.ubuntu.com'
Err:2 http://kr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial InRelease
  Temporary failure resolving 'kr.archive.ubuntu.com'
Err:3 http://kr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates InRelease
  Temporary failure resolving 'kr.archive.ubuntu.com'
Err:4 http://kr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-backports InRelease
  Temporary failure resolving 'kr.archive.ubuntu.com'
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
37 packages can be upgraded. Run 'apt list --upgradable' to see them.
W: Failed to fetch http://kr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial/InRelease  Temporary failure resolving 'kr.archive.ubuntu.com'
W: Failed to fetch http://kr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial-updates/InRelease  Temporary failure resolving 'kr.archive.ubuntu.com'
W: Failed to fetch http://kr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial-backports/InRelease  Temporary failure resolving 'kr.archive.ubuntu.com'
W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial-security/InRelease  Temporary failure resolving 'security.ubuntu.com'
W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.


/etc/resolv.conf 화일을 바꾸어도 안되고, /etc/apt/sources.list 에서 주소를 바꾸어도 안되고,,,

결국은, 아래 사이트 에서 제시한 것 처럼,

$ vi /etc/network/interfaces

# The primary network interface
auto enp0s9
iface enp0s9 inet static

적색 표시된 것 처럼, dns-nameservers 를 추가한 후에 정상적으로 진행된다.

gateway 설정은 덤,

즐 ubuntu 하시길,,,

출처: https://notpeelbean.tistory.com/entry/linux-Ubuntu-업데이트-서버-연결-에러-aptget-update-에러 [Storm Of Two Yellow Beans]


2019. 8. 5. 20:08

Remote Desktop in Ubuntu 18.04

* mate-desktop-environment 로 rdp 설정

sudo apt install xrdp
sudo apt install mate-core mate-desktop-environment mate-notification-daemon

sed -i.bak '/fi/a #xrdp multiple users configuration \n mate-session \n' /etc/xrdp/startwm.sh
cat /etc/xrdp/startwm.sh

# xrdp X session start script (c) 2015, 2017 mirabilos
# published under The MirOS Licence

if test -r /etc/profile; then
        . /etc/profile

#xrdp multiple users configuration

if test -r /etc/default/locale; then
        . /etc/default/locale
        test -z "${LANG+x}" || export LANG
        test -z "${LANGUAGE+x}" || export LANGUAGE
        test -z "${LC_ADDRESS+x}" || export LC_ADDRESS
        test -z "${LC_ALL+x}" || export LC_ALL
        test -z "${LC_COLLATE+x}" || export LC_COLLATE
        test -z "${LC_CTYPE+x}" || export LC_CTYPE
        test -z "${LC_IDENTIFICATION+x}" || export LC_IDENTIFICATION
        test -z "${LC_MEASUREMENT+x}" || export LC_MEASUREMENT
        test -z "${LC_MESSAGES+x}" || export LC_MESSAGES
        test -z "${LC_MONETARY+x}" || export LC_MONETARY
        test -z "${LC_NAME+x}" || export LC_NAME
        test -z "${LC_NUMERIC+x}" || export LC_NUMERIC
        test -z "${LC_PAPER+x}" || export LC_PAPER
        test -z "${LC_TELEPHONE+x}" || export LC_TELEPHONE
        test -z "${LC_TIME+x}" || export LC_TIME
        test -z "${LOCPATH+x}" || export LOCPATH

#xrdp multiple users configuration

if test -r /etc/profile; then
        . /etc/profile

#xrdp multiple users configuration

test -x /etc/X11/Xsession && exec /etc/X11/Xsession
exec /bin/sh /etc/X11/Xsession

sudo apt install xserver-xorg-core xorgxrdp

cat /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/45-allow-colord.pkla

[Allow Colord all Users]

sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool

sudo systemctl enable xrdp 

> 이제 windows의 원격데스크탑으로 log in 하면

ID, password를 넣으면 끝.

* 참고로 ubuntu 설치하면 우선 작업하는 것들

apt update
apt upgrade
apt autoremove
apt install vim
apt install ssh
vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config 

# Authentication:

#LoginGraceTime 2m
#PermitRootLogin prohibit-password
PermitRootLogin yes
#StrictModes yes
#MaxAuthTries 6
#MaxSessions 10

#PubkeyAuthentication yes


2012. 4. 17. 19:09

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 일정

우분투에서 5년 지원 버젼으로 곧 신규 업데이트 되는 군요. 기다려 집니다.

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Release Schedule

1St December 2011 - Alpha1

2nd February 2012 - Alpha2

1St March 2012 - Beta1

22nd March 2012 - Beta2

19th April 2012 - Release Candidate

26th April 2012 - Ubuntu 12.04 LTS final

2009. 10. 5. 20:17

Ubuntu kernel compile

이전에는 Linux 하면 대부분 배포판으로는 RedHat을 사용했던 것 같던데, (그 전에는 Slackware) 요즘은 Ubuntu를 많이 사용하는 것 같다. 나도 뭐 하나 해 볼 것이 있어서 Linux로 작업환경을 구축하는데, 설치가 가장 쉬운 것 같아서, Ubuntu로 구축하였다.

가장 먼저 할 일이 kernel source를 받아서, compile하여 base code를 확립하는 작업인데, 이를 위해서 Ubuntu kernel을 compile하는 작업을 진행하였다. 아래 사이트의 설명을 참고로 진행하였다.

[Linux] Ubuntu 9.04 – Jaunty Kernel Compile – by morcavon

이에 따라 작업한 명령들은 아래와 같다.

$ git clone git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-jaunty.git work

$ cd work/

$ cat debian.master/changelog | more

$ git tag | more

$ git checkout Ubuntu-2.6.28-15.52 -b Core2

$ git branch

$ ls -la debian.master/config/i386/config

$ cp debian.master/config/i386/config .config

$ cat debian.master/config/i386/config.generic >> .config

$ make menuconfig

$ cp .config ../config.Core2

$ git reset --hard

$ git clean -xdf

$ ls debian.master/abi/

$ cp debian.master/abi/2.6.28-15.51/i386/generic debian.master/abi/2.6.28-15.51/i386/Core2

$ cp debian.master/abi/2.6.28-15.51/i386/generic.modules debian.master/abi/2.6.28-15.51/i386/Core2.modules

$ cp ../config.Core2 debian.master/config/i386/

$ ls -la debian.master/config/i386/

$ vi debian.master/scripts/misc/getabis

$ vi debian.master/rules.d/i386.mk

$ vi debian.master/control.d/flavour-control.stub

$ vi debian.master/control.stub.in

$ ls -la debian

$ cd debian

$ ls -la

$ ln -sf ../debian.master/changelog changelog

$ ln -sf ../debian.master/control.stub.in control

$ ln -sf ../debian.master/control.stub.in control.stub

$ ls -la

$ cd ..

$ ls -la

$ git add .

$ git commit -a -m "Core2 modifications"

$ CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=2 NOEXTRAS=1 skipabi=true skipmodule=true fakeroot debian/rules binary-Core2


그런데 마지막에 kernel compile한 후에 오류가 발생하였다.



# Remove files which are generated at installation by postinst, except for

# modules.order.


mv /home/projects/WLP/ubuntu.kernel/jaunty/Core2/debian/linux-image-2.6.28-15-Core2/lib/modules/2.6.28-15-Core2/modules.order \


rm -f /home/projects/WLP/ubuntu.kernel/jaunty/Core2/debian/linux-image-2.6.28-15-Core2/lib/modules/2.6.28-15-Core2/modules.*

mv /home/projects/WLP/ubuntu.kernel/jaunty/Core2/debian/linux-image-2.6.28-15-Core2/lib/modules/2.6.28-15-Core2/_modules.order \




dh_installchangelogs -plinux-image-2.6.28-15-Core2

dh_installdocs -plinux-image-2.6.28-15-Core2

dh_compress -plinux-image-2.6.28-15-Core2

dh_fixperms -plinux-image-2.6.28-15-Core2

dh_installdeb -plinux-image-2.6.28-15-Core2

dh_gencontrol -plinux-image-2.6.28-15-Core2

dpkg-gencontrol: error: Illegal package name `linux-image-2.6.28-15-Core2'

dh_gencontrol: command returned error code 65280

make[1]: *** [binary-Core2] 오류 1

make: *** [binary-Core2] 오류 2


Illegal package name?

여하튼 ./debian/ 아래에 compile은 되었는데, 이후 package와 관련된 작업에서 오류가 발생하였다.

morcavon님의 설명에 감사하며…

*** 2009.10.11 (Sun) 추가

=PROVIDES= 항목을 지우지 않았더니 발생하는 문제였다.
이 항목과 관련된 것을 모두 지웠더니... OK

by 송골